We all know the best dog breeds that start with A, B and C – but what about the ones that start with S? Here are our top 10 picks!
1) Samoyed
Samoyed dogs are the perfect companion for any family. These fluffy white dogs are known to be sociable, intelligent, and playful. They have a friendly personality and would do well in any home environment as long as they get enough exercise to stay active and healthy.
The Samoyed is also considered a hypoallergenic breed because of its undercoat and requires minimal grooming. If you are looking for a new furry friend who will love you unconditionally then this is the breed for you!

2) Schnauzer
Schnauzers are a medium-sized, longhaired breed of dog of the terrier type. The coat is usually black and it is one of the most popular breeds in America. The word schnauzer comes from the German word for snout because their muzzle is pointed like a beagle’s and they have whiskers that point sideways like pigs’ snouts do.
This breed is also known as an Alsatian or German Wirehaired Terrier and has been bred since the late 1800s to be used as a guard dog, hunter, and ratter; making them ideal pets for people who want a loyal companion who will protect their home from intruders but will not always require being on a leash when out for walks.

3) Schipperke
What is a Schipperke? The Schipperke is a small, sturdy, compact Spitz-type breed of dog. They have a compact body and the head is fox-like in shape and proportion to the body. Their fur has two layers: a dense outer coat of harsh, straight guard hairs and an undercoat of thick, soft fur. A Schipperke will shed its coat twice per year; once in the spring and again in the fall.
These dogs are natural hunters, happy to go out hunting for rodents or vermin whenever they can get outside.
And if you happen to have a rabbit or other pet rodent, make sure it’s safely enclosed!
Schipperkes love everyone, including strangers, children, other animals and even cats – as long as they don’t show aggression towards them! Their voice is high pitched and carries long distances – perfect for alerting you when there’s danger nearby!

4) Sealyham Terrier
Sealyham Terriers are small terriers bred to hunt foxes and other vermin in Scotland. These dogs were originally used for hunting small animals, such as rabbits, and are now often kept as household pets. They weigh from 17-22 pounds on average and can be found in a variety of colors including black, white, brown, red, or blue merle. Sealyham Terriers can also be born bi-colored or tri-colored depending on their heritage and parents’ genetics.
These dogs have a long history of being used for hunting vermin in Scotland but are now more commonly kept as pets because they make excellent watchdogs due to their high prey drive!

5) Shar-Pei
Shar Pei are an ancient breed of dog with some wrinkles and a short coat. They were originally bred to be a type of guard dog, but they are now more common as pets in the United States and China.
Shar-Pei do not shed much, which makes them ideal for those who are allergic to animal fur. They also have a tendency to drool, which is something you will want to keep in mind if you’re the type of person who gets grossed out easily by dirty dogs!

6) Shetland Sheepdog
Shetland Sheepdogs are a type of herding dog that originated in Scotland, hence the name Shetland. This makes them one of the most popular dogs in the UK. They are intelligent and friendly, which makes them a great pet for families and children alike. Shelties have a double coat which means they shed quite a bit but they do not need a lot of grooming care to keep their coat looking good.

7) Shiba Inu
This Japanese breed is a small, intelligent and independent dog who can be reserved around strangers but loyal to their family. They are also known for their intelligence and can be trained easily; in fact, they are one of the easiest breeds to housebreak! However, Shibas require daily grooming because of their dense double coat.

8) Siberian Husky
The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized, dense-coat working dog breed that originated in northeast Asia. They are most often used as sled dogs, but can also be seen in agility, obedience and other types of performance events.
The Siberian Husky was bred to be larger than the Alaskan Malamute, smaller than the American Eskimo Dog and unlike either of those breeds, to have a wolflike appearance. This allows them to produce an adequate amount of heat without being too heavy for hauling sleds over long distances in cold climates for many hours on end.
This dog is generally healthy and hearty but like many other large breeds they can develop hip dysplasia and eye problems from excessive exposure to sunlight when young or old respectively.

9) Spanish Water Dog
Bred for centuries in Spain as a water retriever, this breed is more than just a pretty face–it’s also intelligent and strong. The Spanish Water Dog is one of the few breeds native to Europe, and it was originally used by fishermen and hunters to retrieve nets, fish, or game from the sea and lakes.
Spanish Water Dogs are known for their webbed feet (which makes them excellent swimmers) and their curly coat (which repels dirt). They come in black, brown, red-brown, or salt-and-pepper, but can also be all white–a distinctive trait not shared by any other breed.

10) Saluki
Salukis are a breed of sight hound and originated in the Fertile Crescent, which is now modern-day Iraq. Salukis were originally bred to hunt gazelles, hares, and partridges as well as wild boar. They can reach speeds up to 40 mph while running and their keen senses allow them to spot their prey from quite a distance away.
To date there are only about 700 Salukis registered by the American Kennel Club which means they are classified as rare by the AKC standards but this doesn’t mean you have any difficulty finding one in the U.S., just contact local animal shelters or check out Petfinder for your next furry friend!

Stupendous!! There you have it. Our top breeds that start with S. Each of these beauties will make a life long companion. The shelters are waiting!