Whether you’re an animal lover or not, dogs are undeniably adorable – but some breeds of dog really take cuteness to the next level! The dog breeds on this list may be best suited to apartment living, but they’re sure to make your neighbors jealous when they see you walking down the street with one of these little (or big) guys by your side. See the cute canines that start with the letter C!
The Corgi is the national dog breed of Wales, and they were first bred in Pembrokeshire, Wales. They are such a loving and loyal breed that they are often times referred to as the Royal Dog. They’re also known for their intelligence and agility, as well as their sense of humor. If you’re looking for a dog that will love you unconditionally and always be by your side, then the Corgi might be for you!

Cocker Spaniel
The Cocker Spaniel is a lively and friendly dog that loves being near its owner. They are very intelligent, so they need to be mentally stimulated every day. Cocker Spaniels also have a lot of energy, so they should be taken on long walks regularly.
The Cocking Spaniel gets along with children and other pets, but is not generally aggressive. However, the Cocker Spaniel is prone to barking, digging, and chasing smaller animals if not given enough exercise and attention.
The most common coat colors for this breed are black or brown with some white markings on the chest and feet; however, the coat can also be tan or red.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a small toy dog with a long, silky coat that comes in many colors. This breed is good with children, other dogs and other pets. They are sensitive to the tone of voice and gentle commands, but will stubbornly refuse to obey if they believe there’s a better way of doing things.
These lively little dogs are prone to barking when left alone for too long or if they’re bored. If you want a dog that will be your constant companion, the Cavalier King Charles spaniel might be the perfect breed for you!

The Chihuahua is a toy dog breed that is classified by size, not weight. It is often believed that the Chihuahua originated in Mexico, but it was actually discovered in the dry region of Central America. Chihuahuas are well-known for their low shedding and hypoallergenic coats, making them an ideal pet for those with allergies. They tend to be good at socializing and generally get along with both other dogs and cats.
The first record of this breed’s existence was in 1884 when President Rutherford B. Hayes received one as a gift from Commodore Robert E. Peary on his visit to New York City.

A Collie is a medium-sized, long-coated dog that originated in the border regions of Scotland. It has a square head with pendulous ears. Its body is strong and muscular, with a broad back and deep chest. A Collies coat comes in two varieties; either rough or smooth.
Most people are familiar with the breed thanks to its starring role in the film Lassie Come Home. And although Lassie was actually female, male Collies tend to be more popular due to their distinctive markings and robust appearance.
Collies main talents are herding livestock and guarding animals from predators.

Cairn Terrier
The Cairn Terrier, also known as the Cairn Bobtail, is a small Scottish terrier that originated in the 19th century. It was bred for hunting and vermin control. A medium-sized dog, it has a short and hard coat that is usually brown or black with white markings on its face, chest, legs and tail. They are a gentle breed that gets along well with other animals and children.

Canaan Dog
The Canaan Dog is an ancient breed that has been around for thousands of years. The dog is able to be used as both a guard dog and a herder, and they are incredibly intelligent. They are also very sociable with humans and animals alike, which makes them an excellent family pet.
The Canaan Dog originated in the Middle East, where they were primarily used as herders. They would nip at the heels of the livestock to keep them together or lead them from one place to another. These days, however, it’s more common for people to use dogs for their guard abilities rather than herding skills.

Canadian Eskimo Dog
The Canadian Eskimo Dog is a breed of working dog that originated in the Arctic regions of North America. Their name is derived from their heritage as descendants of the original sled dog breeds used by the Inuit. Canadian Eskimos are well-suited to cold climates due to their natural coat and ability to release body heat through the pads on their feet. They were originally bred for hunting, pulling and packing, but have also become popular show dogs in recent years.

Cane Corso
The Cane Corso is a large, muscular breed of dog that originated in Italy. It was originally bred as a guardian and to keep the peace on family farms. This breed has a natural protective instinct and will not back down from a fight if provoked.
It is also an excellent hunter, so it’s a great choice for those who hunt or live in rural areas with coyotes or other wild animals. However, this breed does require lots of exercise and should not be left alone for long periods of time because they can become destructive when bored or lonely.
The Cane Corso is one of the few breeds where males are larger than females by as much as 50 pounds!

Carolina Dog
The Carolina dog is the only breed of dog native to North America. It is related to coyotes and wolves, but it is not a wild animal. It lives in packs of up to 30 dogs and is highly intelligent. Not only that, but it prefers to hunt alone, but hunts in packs when it needs to defend its territory against other packs or when food sources are scarce.
While Carolina dogs may appear similar in appearance to coyotes or foxes, they have a number of differences that make them a unique breed. They are smaller than coyotes, and have shorter tails with black tips on the end that curl upward slightly at the tip rather than drooping downward as those of coyotes do.

Clearly, dog breeds that start with the letter ‘C’ have a lot of different personalities to choose from. When picking out a canine companion, it’s important to learn more about the breed and meet with a reputable breeder in your area. After all, you want a furry friend that will stay by your side for many years to come!