
Your Puppy smells of urine! Dog owners, have you ever wondered, “why does my puppy smell like pee?” There can be numerous reasons for this unsettling issue, including urinary tract infections and inadequate grooming.

In this article, we will delve into these causes and provide methods to eliminate that unpleasant odor from your beloved pet.

Continue reading to find out how you can keep your precious fur baby fresh and healthy!

Modern sculpture, concept art, a dog
Modern sculpture, concept art, a dog

Key Takeaways

  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can cause your puppy to smell like pee due to the presence of bacteria in their urine. Prompt veterinary attention is necessary to diagnose and treat UTIs.
  • Incontinence or random dribbling can be another reason why a dog smells like pee. Consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment options for a medical condition..
  • Rolling in pee, urine splashes in the fur, and poor hygiene or unclean bedding are common reasons why your puppy may smell like pee. Regular grooming, cleaning, and maintaining good hygiene practices will help eliminate the odor.
  • To address the issue of your puppy smelling like pee, schedule a vet appointment, practice good hygiene and cleaning routines, train your puppy to eliminate properly, and use urine odor removal products when necessary. These steps will help keep your pup fresh and comfortable while reducing any unpleasant odors associated with peeing.

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Possible Reasons Why Your Puppy Smells Like Pee

Puppies can smell like pee due to a number of reasons such as urinary tract infections, incontinence, rolling in pee, urine splashes in the fur, and poor hygiene or unclean bedding.

Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) frequently cause a foul-smelling odor in your puppy’s urine. Typically, these infections occur when harmful bacteria invade the urinary system and multiply rapidly.

Your puppy’s fresh pee may contain an intensely sour or even fishy smell due to the presence of these bacteria – a telltale sign that something is amiss. UTIs can also lead to uncomfortable symptoms like frequent urination, discomfort during peeing, bloody or cloudy urine, and accidents inside your home because of intense urgency.

Unexpected leaks from incontinence caused by UTIs can contribute significantly to why your puppy smells like pee continuously.

If you notice any such signs indicative of urinary issues, don’t ignore them; instead seek prompt veterinary attention to alleviate discomfort and prevent further health complications for your furry friend.

dog pee on floor in backyard
Dog pee on floor in backyard

Incontinence or random dribbling

One common reason why your puppy might smell like pee is incontinence or random dribbling. Incontinence refers to the inability to control urine flow, leading to accidental leaks or dribbles.

This can be particularly noticeable when your puppy is relaxing or sleeping.

Incontinence can have various causes, such as weakened bladder muscleshormonal imbalances, urinary tract infections (UTIs),kidney problems, or even certain medications. It’s important to note that this issue is more commonly seen in spayed female dogs or older pets.

If you suspect that incontinence is causing your puppy’s pee smell, it’s recommended to consult with a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. They may suggest lifestyle changes, medication options, or other interventions depending on the underlying cause.

Rolling in pee

One of the more puzzling reasons why your puppy may smell like pee is their tendency to roll in it. Yes, you read that right – dogs have an inexplicable desire to coat themselves in all things smelly, including strong-smelling urine.

This behavior can be traced back to their instincts as pack animals, where rolling in different scents was a way to communicate with other members of their group.

While it might seem gross and unhygienic to us humans, for dogs, it’s just another way of saying “I was here!” So if you notice your precious pup smelling a bit funky after an outdoor adventure, don’t worry too much – they’re just embracing their inner wild side!

Urine splashes in the fur

Urine splashes in the fur can be another reason why your puppy smells like pee. Sometimes, when puppies urinate, they may accidentally splash urine onto their fur. This can happen due to various factors such as the angle at which they pee or if they step into their own urine after eliminating.

Pet parents, when urine gets on their fur, it can lead to a lingering smell that is difficult to get rid of without proper cleaning and grooming. It’s important to promptly clean up any accidents and thoroughly wash and dry your puppy’s fur to prevent this odor from persisting.

Regular grooming and keeping your puppy’s living environment clean will help eliminate any urine splashes that may contribute to the unpleasant smell.

House training dog - taking dog out to pee at a fire hydrant - bull mastiff
House training dog – taking dog out to pee at a fire hydrant – bull mastiff

Poor hygiene or unclean bedding

Having poor hygiene or unclean bedding for your puppy can contribute to the smell of pee. When your puppy urinates on their bedding, if it is not promptly cleaned or changed, the urine can soak into the fabric and create a lingering odor.

Additionally, if you don’t regularly wash your puppy’s bedding, it can accumulate bacteria and fungus that produce a foul smell that ends up on your dog’s skin.

It’s important to practice good hygiene by regularly washing your puppy’s bedding with pet-friendly detergents and ensuring that it is completely dry before using it again.

Keeping a clean living environment for your puppy will help prevent any unwanted smells from developing.

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Steps to Address the Issue

Dog parents, to address the issue of your puppy smelling like pee, you can take the following steps: schedule a vet appointment to rule out any underlying health conditions, practice good hygiene and cleaning routines for your puppy’s bedding and living area, train your puppy to eliminate properly, and use urine odor removal products when necessary.

Schedule a vet appointment

Pet owners, If you notice that your puppy smells like pee, it’s important to schedule a vet appointment as soon as possible. This is because there could be an underlying health issue causing the foul odor.

One common reason for the smell is a urinary tract infection (UTI), which can be quite uncomfortable for your furry friend.

UTIs can cause a dog’s urine to smell bad due to the presence of bacteria.But, we do have to worry about kidney disease in rare cases.

Good news! Your veterinarian will be able to diagnose and treat any potential infections or other issues that may be causing your puppy’s urine odor.

Remember, early intervention is the best way to ensuring your pup stays happy and healthy!

Puppy dog, Belgian Shepherd Tervuren, peeing on white studio background
Puppy dog, Belgian Shepherd Tervuren, peeing on white studio background

Practice good hygiene and cleaning routines

Maintaining proper hygiene and cleaning routines is essential to address the issue of your puppy smelling like pee. 

Regularly bathing your puppy with a gentle, dog-friendly shampoo is the first step to help eliminate any lingering odors on their fur. also pet wipes can help eliminate the strong smell on the dog’s fur.

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It’s also a good idea to clean up accidents promptly using enzymatic cleaners specifically designed for pet urine odor removal. These cleaners break down the odor-causing molecules, effectively eliminating the smell.

In addition to bathing and cleaning, regularly washing your puppy’s bedding and ensuring they have a clean living environment is crucial in preventing urine smells. Dirty bedding can harbor bacteria and contribute to unpleasant odors.

By providing fresh bedding regularly, you can minimize potential sources of the smell.

Furthermore, practicing good hygiene extends beyond external cleanliness. Proper potty training is essential in teaching your puppy where it’s appropriate to eliminate waste.

Consistency in reinforcing positive behaviors will help them develop good bathroom habits over time.

Train your puppy to eliminate properly

Properly training your puppy to eliminate in the right place is crucial for preventing a persistent urine smell.

Start by establishing a consistent potty routine, taking your puppy outside frequently and rewarding them with praise or treats when they do their business in the designated area.

Use positive reinforcement techniques to reinforce good behavior and discourage accidents inside the house.

It’s important to be patient and consistent during this process, as puppies may take time to fully grasp proper elimination habits.

With time and effort, you can effectively train your puppy to eliminate properly and reduce any unpleasant urine smells in your home.

Pug puppy is sleeping on the bed
Pug puppy is sleeping on the bed

Use urine odor removal products

To address the issue of your puppy smelling like pee, you can use good quality urine odor removal products specifically designed for dogs.

These products are formulated to be a pet odor neutralizer and eliminate the unpleasant smell from your puppy’s fur.

Look for an enzymatic cleaner or spray that target pet odors and stains.

When using these products, make sure to follow the instructions carefully. Thoroughly apply the cleaner to the affected areas where your puppy has urinated, including their bedding or any other surfaces they may have come into contact with.

Allow the product to sit for a few minutes before gently blotting it away with a clean cloth or paper towel.

Remember, prevention is key in avoiding future incidents of your puppy smelling like pee. Ensure regular grooming and bathing sessions to keep them clean and fresh.

Additionally, maintain good hygiene practices by regularly cleaning their bedding and living environment.

Preventive Measures to Avoid the Smell

To prevent your puppy from dog urine odors, ensure proper potty training, regular grooming, and maintaining a clean living environment.

These preventive measures will help keep your home smelling fresh and your furry friend feeling comfortable.

Learn more about these effective strategies to eliminate the urine odor in our blog post.

Shot of a pitbull puppy sitting in a basket on a lawn.
Shot of a pitbull puppy sitting in a basket on a lawn.

Proper potty training

Proper potty training is essential for ensuring that your puppy doesn’t smell like pee. When puppies are not trained correctly, they may have accidents in the house or on their bedding, leading to a persistent urine odor.

To prevent this, establish a consistent routine for taking your puppy outside to eliminate. Use positive reinforcement and rewards when they successfully go in the designated area. Additionally, be patient with your puppy as accidents may happen during the training process.

Consistency and positive reinforcement will help them understand where it’s appropriate to relieve themselves and reduce the chances of smelling like pee.

Regular grooming and bathing

Regular grooming and bathing are crucial for maintaining a fresh-smelling puppy. By keeping your furry friend clean, you can prevent the buildup of urine odor on their fur. Regular brushing not only helps remove loose hair but also eliminates any trapped urine splashes that may contribute to the smell.

Bathing your puppy with a gentle dog shampoo is essential to keep their skin and coat healthy while effectively removing any lingering urine odor. Remember, a clean pup not only looks great but also smells great!

Maintaining a clean living environment

One important step in preventing your puppy from smelling like pee is to maintain a clean living environment. Regularly cleaning and sanitizing the areas where your puppy spends time will help eliminate any lingering urine smells.

This includes regularly cleaning their bedding, toys, and any surfaces they come into contact with. Accidents happen, so it’s crucial to quickly clean up any urine accidents using pet-safe cleaners that specifically target odor-causing bacteria.

In addition to cleaning up accidents promptly, it’s also essential to establish a regular grooming routine for your puppy. Bathing them regularly using a mild dog shampoo helps keep their fur clean and fresh-smelling.

Remember to thoroughly dry their fur after bathing to prevent moisture from trapping unpleasant odors.

Maintaining cleanliness extends beyond just your puppy’s immediate surroundings. It’s important to ensure that you provide them with a hygienic outdoor space for elimination as well. Regularly remove any urine or feces from the yard or designated potty area, as leaving it unattended can contribute to the overall smell in the environment.

Puppy slipping on the bed with red balloons and hurt shapes
Puppy slipping on the bed with red balloons and hurt shapes

Providing appropriate bedding materials

One important aspect of preventing your puppy from smelling like pee is providing them with appropriate bedding materials. Choosing the right type of bedding can help maintain a clean living environment and minimize odors.

Opt for a dog’s bed that is easily washable and dries quickly, such as machine-washable blankets or towels. Avoid using materials that absorb urine, like straw or hay, as this can worsen the smell.

Instead, consider using waterproof or moisture-resistant bedding options to prevent urine from seeping through and causing lingering odors. By selecting suitable bedding materials, you can create a comfortable space for your puppy while minimizing any unpleasant smells.

Consulting a Vet for Persistent Issues

If your puppy continues to smell like pee despite your efforts, it is crucial to consult a veterinarian for further evaluation and potential underlying health conditions.

Discussing underlying health conditions

If you have tried addressing your puppy’s urine smell issue without success, it may be worth discussing the problem with your vet. Underlying health conditions could be at play and causing the persistent odor.

Skin infections, a yeast infection, and dog’s anal glands  are some examples of health problems that can make a dog smell like pee.

By consulting a veterinarian, they can conduct diagnostic tests to determine the root cause of the smell and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Additionally, they can provide professional advice on diet and hydration to ensure your puppy’s overall health is optimal.

Understanding the underlying health conditions behind your puppy’s urine smell is crucial in finding an effective solution.

Seeking veterinary guidance will not only help address the foul smell but also potentially prevent more serious health concerns down the road.

Shot of an adorable dog resting on a bed at home.
Shot of an adorable dog resting on a bed at home.

Conducting diagnostic tests

To get to the root of why your puppy smells like pee, it’s crucial to consult with a veterinarian who can conduct diagnostic tests. These tests will help identify any underlying health conditions that may be causing the issue.

It’s essential to rule out urinary tract infections (UTIs), as they are a common cause of foul-smelling urine in dogs. UTIs can be detected through a urinalysis and bacterial culture.

Additionally, other tests such as bloodwork and imaging studies may be necessary to determine if there are any stones or blockages in the bladder or urethra contributing to the smell.

Remember, only through proper diagnosis can an effective treatment plan be developed for your furry friend’s well-being.

Developing a treatment plan

One crucial step in addressing your puppy’s urine odor issue is developing a comprehensive treatment plan. This involves consulting with your veterinarian to discuss any underlying health conditions that might be contributing to the smell.

Your vet may recommend diagnostic tests to identify the specific cause, such as urinary tract infections or skin infections. Based on the diagnosis, they will develop an appropriate treatment plan tailored to your puppy’s needs.

It may involve medication, changes in diet and hydration, or other interventions aimed at resolving the problem at its root cause.

Seeking professional advice ensures that you are taking the right steps towards eliminating the unpleasant pee smell and promoting a healthier environment for your furry friend.

Seeking professional advice on diet and hydration

To address persistent urine odor in your puppy, it is important to seek professional advice on their diet and hydration. A veterinarian can evaluate your puppy’s health and provide recommendations for a balanced diet that supports urinary tract health.

They may suggest specific foods or supplements that can help prevent urinary issues and reduce the smell of urine. Additionally, proper hydration is crucial for maintaining healthy urine production and diluting any strong odors.

A vet can guide you on how much water your puppy should be drinking and offer tips to encourage regular hydration. By consulting with a professional, you can ensure that your puppy’s diet and hydration are optimized to minimize any unpleasant smells associated with their urine.

Top view of five cute newborn golden retriever puppies with collars sleeping in the small wooden bed with woolen blanket on the light background
Top view of five cute newborn golden retriever puppies with collars sleeping in the small wooden bed with woolen blanket on the light background


1. Why does my puppy smell like pee?

There could be several reasons why your puppy smells like pee, including urinary tract infections, poor hygiene, marking behavior, or accidents due to incomplete house training.

2. How can I determine if my puppy has a urinary tract infection?

If your puppy frequently smells like urine and displays symptoms such as frequent urination, straining while urinating, blood in the urine, or unusual lethargy or discomfort, it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

3. What can I do to improve my puppy’s hygiene and reduce the odor of urine?

Regularly bathing your puppy with pet-safe shampoo designed for their age and breed can help improve their overall cleanliness and reduce any lingering odor of urine.

Additionally, ensuring you clean up any accidents promptly and thoroughly using enzymatic cleaners can help eliminate odors.

4. How can I prevent my puppy from smelling like pee in the future?

Proper house training is key to preventing your puppy from smelling like pee. Consistently take them outside on a regular schedule for bathroom breaks and offer positive reinforcement when they eliminate outside.

Supervise them closely indoors until they are fully trained to avoid accidents in the house. If necessary, consider seeking guidance from a professional dog trainer for additional support during this process.

Puppy dog in bath tub with hand washing its fur
Puppy dog in bath tub with hand washing its fur


In conclusion, if your puppy smells like pee, it’s important to address the issue promptly. Common reasons for this odor include urinary tract infectionsincontinencerolling in urine, and poor hygiene.

To address the problem, schedule a vet appointment for proper diagnosis and treatment. Practice good hygiene and cleaning routines, train your puppy to eliminate properly, and use strong odor removal products.

Taking preventive measures such as proper potty training, regular grooming and bathing, maintaining a clean living environment, and providing appropriate bedding materials can help avoid the smell altogether. and keep your puppy in good health.