When Do Maltese Puppies Calm Down? The Shocking Truth Now

When do Maltese Puppies Calm down? Have you ever wondered when your energetic and playful Maltese puppy will finally settle down? This breed typically reaches peak energy levels between 6 to 12 months.

In this article, we’ll delve into the factors influencing their hyperactivity and provide practical tips to help calm these small dogs down.

Get ready for a smoother journey with your furry friend!

Key Takeaways

  • Maltese puppies usually calm down as they reach adulthood, around 18 months old.
  • They go through a hyperactivity stage between 6 and 12 months old when their energy levels are at their peak.
  • To help calm down a hyper Maltese puppy, provide regular exercise, engage in mind stimulation games, create a fixed routine, teach practical skills, and ignore stubborn behavior.
  • Creating a daily schedule, providing boredom – busting toys, engaging in relaxing brushing sessions, ensuring daily exercise, and giving ear rubs can also help promote calmness in Maltese dogs.

When Do Maltese Puppies Calm Down?

A cute Maltese puppy among toys and dog beds.
When do Maltese Puppies Calm down?

Maltese puppies typically calm down as they mature and reach adulthood.

Expected behavior for Maltese puppies and adults

A playful Maltese puppy chasing a ball in a park.

Maltese puppies are full of energy. They love to play and have fun. This is normal for them until they are about 18 months old. After this time, they start to calm down a bit. But even then, adult Maltese dogs still like to stay active and alert.

To help your puppy behave well, you need to give them proper training from a young age. You also need to get them used to meeting other people and animals.

The hyperactivity stage

A playful Maltese puppy running in a grassy field surrounded by toys.

Maltese puppies go through a hyperactivity stage where they have lots of energy and can be quite active. This usually happens between 6 and 12 months old when their energy levels are at their peak.

During this stage, they may seem very playful, excited, and sometimes even naughty. It’s important to understand that this hyperactivity is normal for puppies as they explore the world around them and learn about their surroundings.

They may try to chew on things or run around in bursts of energy. However, with proper training, exercise, and attention, Maltese puppies will start to calm down as they mature. It’s crucial to provide outlets for their energy during this stage by engaging them in playtime activities and giving them regular exercise to help tire them out.

Factors contributing to calmness

Maltese sitting in a bad
Maltese sitting in a bad

Proper training, exercise, and attention are key factors in helping a Maltese puppy become calmer. By providing consistent and positive trainingestablishing a routine, and socializing them from a young age, you can teach your Maltese to be calm and well-behaved.

Additionally, regular exercise is important for burning off their excess energy and preventing hyperactivity. Creating a stimulating environment with toys and activities can also help keep them occupied and reduce restlessness.

Remember that every dog is unique, so it’s essential to understand your Maltese’s individual needs and personality to effectively promote calmness in them.

Tips to Calm Down a Hyper Maltese

A Caucasian person's hyper Maltese dog running through an obstacle course.

To calm down a hyper Maltese, provide regular exercise, engage in mind stimulation games, create a fixed routine, teach practical skills, and ignore when they are adamant.

Provide regular exercise

Description of a playful Maltese puppy chasing a ball in a park.

Regular exercise is crucial for calming down a hyper Maltese puppy. Here are some tips to ensure they get enough physical activity:

  • Take them for daily walks or runs to burn off excess energy
  • Play active games like fetch or tug-of-war
  • Engage in interactive play sessions with toys that encourage movement and exercise
  • Consider enrolling them in agility or obedience classes for additional exercise and mental stimulation.

Engage in mind stimulation games

A Maltese puppy playing with an interactive puzzle toy indoors.

To keep your Maltese puppy calm and occupied, engage in mind stimulation games. These games will challenge their brains and provide them with mental exercise. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Hide and Seek: Hide treats or toys around the house for your puppy to find. This will engage their sense of smell and keep them mentally focused.
  2. Puzzle Toys: Invest in puzzle toys that require your puppy to figure out how to access treats or toys hidden inside. This will keep them entertained and mentally stimulated.
  3. Interactive Toys: Use interactive toys that require your puppy to problem-solve or manipulate objects to get a reward. This will keep their minds engaged and prevent boredom.
  4. Training Games: Incorporate training into playtime by teaching your puppy simple commands like sit, stay, or paw. This will challenge their minds while building a strong bond between you and your furry friend.
  5. Scent Work: Introduce scent work games by hiding treats around the house or in the yard and encouraging your puppy to use their nose to find them. This taps into their natural instincts and provides mental stimulation.

Create a fixed routine

Maltese puppy napping in cozy bed surrounded by calming toys.

To help calm down a hyper Maltese puppy, it’s important to create a fixed routine. This will provide structure and predictability for your puppy, which can help decrease their anxiety and hyperactivity. Here are some tips to create a fixed routine for your Maltese:

  1. Set consistent meal times: Feed your puppy at the same times every day. This helps regulate their energy levels and prevents them from getting overly hungry or restless.
  2. Establish regular exercise sessions: Schedule daily exercise sessions for your Maltese. This can include walks, playtime at the park, or interactive games in the backyard. Regular exercise helps burn off excess energy and promotes relaxation.
  3. Create a dedicated rest time: Set aside specific periods during the day where your puppy can relax and rest. Provide a comfortable bed or crate where they can unwind and take naps.
  4. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule: Establish a bedtime routine for your Maltese, including specific times for going to bed and waking up. Consistent sleep patterns promote better behavior by ensuring your puppy gets enough rest.
  5. Incorporate training sessions: Include short training sessions throughout the day as part of their routine. This not only teaches them valuable skills but also engages their minds and helps tire them out mentally.

Teach practical skills

A person trains a Maltese puppy in a park.

Teach your Maltese puppy practical skills to help them calm down:

  • Basic obedience training: Teach your puppy commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “leave it” to establish boundaries and discipline.
  • Crate training: Introduce your puppy to a crate as a safe and comfortable space where they can relax and retreat when needed.
  • Leash training: Teach your puppy to walk calmly on a leash, which helps burn off excess energy during walks.
  • Socialization: Expose your puppy to different people, animals, and environments to help them become more confident and less reactive.
  • Calm handling: Practice gently touching your puppy’s paws, ears, and muzzle to prevent fear or aggression during grooming or vet visits.

Ignore when they are adamant

A mischievous Caucasian child throwing a tantrum surrounded by toys.

When your Maltese puppy becomes adamant or stubborn, it’s important to ignore their behavior. This means not giving in to their demands or reacting to them when they’re being difficult.

By ignoring them, you’re teaching them that their stubbornness won’t get them what they want. It’s a way of establishing boundaries and letting them know that you are in charge. With time and consistent reinforcement, your Maltese will learn that being calm and obedient is rewarded, while being stubborn gets no attention.

Promoting Calmness in Maltese Dogs

A serene Maltese dog relaxing in a cozy living room.

Keep a daily schedule, provide boredom-busting toys, engage in relaxing brushing sessions, ensure daily exercise, and give ear rubs to promote calmness in Maltese dogs.

Keep a daily schedule

A person checking a daily planner, surrounded by a bustling atmosphere.

To help calm down a hyper Maltese puppy, it’s important to keep a daily schedule. Establishing a routine will provide structure and stability for your furry friend. Make sure to set regular times for meals, exercise, playtime, and rest.

This consistency will help them know what to expect each day and can contribute to reducing their hyperactivity. By keeping a consistent daily schedule, you’ll be able to provide your Maltese with the necessary outlets for their energy and create an environment that promotes calmness in their behavior.

Provide boredom-busting toys

A playful Maltese puppy surrounded by colorful toys in a busy atmosphere.

To keep your Maltese puppy calm and entertained, provide them with boredom-busting toys. These toys can help keep their minds stimulated and prevent them from getting into mischief. Here are some options to consider:

  1. Puzzle toys: These toys require your puppy to solve a puzzle or figure out how to get a treat, which can keep them engaged for extended periods.
  2. Interactive toys: Look for toys that make noise or move on their own, as these can capture your puppy’s attention and provide entertainment.
  3. Chew toys: Maltese puppies often go through a teething stage, so providing them with appropriate chew toys can help satisfy their chewing instincts and prevent them from damaging your belongings.
  4. Treat-dispensing toys: These toys have hidden compartments where you can hide treats. Your puppy will have to work to get the treats out, providing mental stimulation while rewarding good behavior.
  5. Plush toys: Soft, cuddly plush toys can give your Maltese something safe to snuggle up with and may help alleviate anxiety or stress.

Relaxing brushing sessions

A person gently brushing a Maltese dog's fur in a cozy living room.
  • Gently brush your Maltese’s fur to help them relax and bond with you.
  • Use a soft brush or comb to avoid hurting their sensitive skin.
  • Brush in the direction of hair growth, starting from the head and moving down the body.
  • Take your time and use soothing strokes so your Maltese enjoys the experience.
  • Use this time to check for any tangles, mats, or skin issues that may need attention.
  • Keep treats nearby to reward your Maltese for staying calm during brushing sessions.
  • Make brushing a regular part of their routine to help them associate it with relaxation.

Daily exercise

To help calm down a hyper Maltese puppy, it is important to provide them with daily exercise. Here are some tips:

  • Take your Maltese puppy for regular walks or play sessions in the yard.
  • Engage them in interactive games such as fetch or hide-and-seek.
  • Provide puzzle toys or treat – dispensing toys that require physical activity to access the treats.
  • Consider enrolling your Maltese puppy in obedience classes or agility training to engage both their mind and body.
  • Set aside dedicated playtime each day for your Maltese to burn off excess energy.

Give ear rubs

To help calm down a hyper Maltese, giving ear rubs can be quite effective. Dogs find physical touch soothing and comforting, and gentle ear rubs can help them relax. It stimulates their sensory receptors and releases endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that promote relaxation.

So, when your Maltese is feeling hyper or anxious, take a moment to give them some loving ear rubs. Not only will it help them calm down, but it will also strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend.


A peaceful Maltese puppy surrounded by calming toys and blankets.Maltese puppies can be quite hyper, but with proper training, exercise, and attention, they will eventually calm down. Most Maltese puppies reach their peak energy levels between 6 and 12 months old.

By the age of 18 months, they should start to become less hyper and more settled. Remember to provide them with a consistent routine, mental stimulation, and plenty of exercise to help them channel their energy in a positive way.

With patience and consistency, your Maltese puppy will grow into a calmer and well-behaved adult dog. 


1. When do Maltese puppies calm down?

Maltese puppies usually calm down when they reach maturity, which is around one to two years old.

2. How can training a Maltese puppy help with their energy levels?

Training like obedience training and boundary training helps manage the hyperactivity in Maltese puppies and guides them towards calm dog behavior.

3. How does exercise affect a Maltese puppy’s behavior?

Exercise for Maltese dogs keeps them healthy and reduces their peak energy levels, leading to lessened hyperactivity.

4. What type of attention do Maltese puppies need to help them calm down?

Paying attention to the needs of your pup such as fulfilling its teething stages, socialization needs and giving it care will encourage calming down of the puppy.

5. Can development stages impact when a Maltese calms down?

Yes! Puppy development stages could play key roles in settling down; proper puppy care during these phases eases out any behavioral problems that may arise.

6. Are there specific techniques for calming a hyperactive maltese puppy?

Yes indeed! Besides routine exercises, using calming methods or teaching calmness to the pups contributes significantly towards managing their temperament.