When it comes to feeding your precious Rottweiler puppy, there are a lot of things you need to consider. From the size and weight to breed-specific needs, there’s a lot of information out there that can get overwhelmingly fast.

Fortunately for you (and your beloved puppy), we’re here to help. In this article, we’ll cover all the basics of Rottweiler nutrition and feeding. We’ll also talk about raw food diets and other alternatives like kibble if you’re interested in trying something different. We’ve touched upon Rottweiler growth and weight charts at length as well, so you can get an idea of how much food your Rottie would be required to consume daily.

Rottweiler history

Rottweiler history

Rottweilers were originally bred in Germany as hunting dogs. Today, they are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. They have a loyal and gentle loving nature and make good family pets. They are intelligent, lively, and athletic and can be trained easily. However, they are prone to health problems if not properly cared for.

If you’re planning to buy a Rottweiler puppy, make sure that it is healthy, well-socialized, and up-to-date with vaccinations. Also, make sure that you provide it with the right amount of food and water as per its age and weight. Different types of food for Rottweilers can help in developing its healthy diet.

Rottweiler Growth & Weight Chart

Rottweilers are a popular breed of dog and come with a set of unique growth requirements. As puppies, Rottweiler puppies need to be fed a balanced diet that includes proteins, carbs, and fats in the correct proportion to ensure their healthy growth and development.

The nutrient-dense diet must also include essential vitamins and minerals for the puppy’s overall well-being. When it comes to meal times, puppies should be offered small meals frequently throughout the day. This will help them develop good appetites and avoid becoming overweight. It is vital to monitor your puppy’s weight and adjust its food intake accordingly as they grow.

Follow the Rottweiler puppy growth chart as a guideline for portion sizes and frequency of meals to ensure your pup gets optimal nutrition through its early stages of life.

Male Rottweiler Growth and Weight Chart

Puppies of all sizes and ages require a good diet to grow into healthy and thriving pets. Rottweilers are no exception, and it is important to feed your puppy a balanced, nutritious diet to ensure their growth and development remain healthy and steady.

When it comes to puppy food, you will want to look for food that is formulated for puppies of different ages and sizes. The best foods will be high in protein and low in fat, with plenty of vitamins and other nutrients to support your puppy’s growth.

Additionally, be sure to provide your puppy with fresh water daily to help keep them hydrated and healthy. Finally, always take care of your puppy’s health by scheduling regular veterinary checkups and vaccinations.

Image by Alexander Birev from Pixabay

Female Rottweiler Growth and Weight Chart

Rottweilers are a loyal, intelligent, and devoted breed that often makes great family dogs. As a female Rottweiler puppy grows, she needs a well-balanced diet to support her physical development and avoid health problems later in life.

A female Rottweiler puppy should be fed between 1.5 and 2.5 cups of food per day, divided into three meals. When feeding your puppy, keep in mind the amount of food required to support her growth and health, and adjust the amount of food you feed every month or two.

For example, if your puppy is growing slowly or gaining weight too slowly, start feeding her more food at each meal. If she looks healthy but is not putting on weight or gaining weight quickly enough, decrease the amount of food you feed at each meal until the puppy reaches six months of age, and then begin increasing the amount of food you feed again.

At what age is a Rottweiler full-grown?

The average size of a Rottweiler is between 24 and 28 inches. They reach an adult size between 18 and 24 months.

A puppy can start eating adult food around 6 months old. It’s important to feed your puppy 2-3 times a day until it is 12 months old, as this will ensure healthy growth and development. A growing puppy needs an appropriate diet, which should include nutrients for rapid growth, such as protein, vitamins, and minerals. This will help your pup develop its organs and body properly. Growing puppies also need plenty of mental stimulation and exercise to keep them healthy and happy.

How big should a 6-month-old Rottweiler be?

A 6-month-old Rottweiler puppy should be between 20 and 25 pounds, with a height of around 11 to 13 inches. Weight and height are factors that determine a Rottweiler’s growth rate. Moreover, the recommended daily caloric intake for a Rottweiler puppy is between 120 and 160 calories for healthy puppies.

A good guideline is to feed your puppy two meals per day, but it’s best to consult with your veterinarian about the correct amount of food for your puppy.

The right amount of food provides nutrients and keeps your pet healthy and happy.

What is the size of a full-grown Rottweiler?

The average size of a full-grown Rottie is 24 – 27 inches tall and 95 – 130 pounds. The size of a Rottweiler can vary depending on its parent’s size, genetics, and diet. In general, Rottweilers should be fed a healthy, balanced diet containing high-quality nutrition for their entire life of the dog.

The amount and type of food you feed your Rottie puppy should be tailored to its age, activity level, and health needs. Regular check-ups with your veterinarian can help ensure that your puppy is growing properly and getting the right nutrition for its stage of development.

Image by Alexa

How do I make sure my Rottweiler is healthy?

The best way to make sure your Rottweiler is healthy is to choose the right food for its age and size. Make sure your Rottweiler gets plenty of regular exercise and socialization, as well as adequate nutrition.

Monitor your dog’s weight periodically to make sure it is gaining the proper amount of body fat and not too much weight. Feed your puppy multiple times per day for good nutrition and dental health. A high-quality diet with ample nutrients will help maximize your Rottweiler’s health potential.

Also, consider feeding a healthy diet with treats and other supplements from time to time to provide additional benefits.

General Guidelines For Feeding Rottweilers

Rottweilers are known for being energetic and inquisitive puppies, but they can be fussy eaters as well. This is because the breed requires a high-quality diet to keep them healthy and happy. It’s important to adjust the portions of food fed to your Rottweiler puppy based on its size, age, and activity level.

Food Proportions for Rottweilers

When it comes to feeding a Rottweiler puppy, there are a few things to consider. Start by understanding the size, age, and activity level of your puppy. Make sure you are feeding your puppy high-quality dog food that contains the necessary vitamins and minerals.

You should also adjust your pup’s diet based on its growth rate and energy output. This will help prevent nutritional imbalances and provide the best nutrition for your dog throughout its life.

To monitor your puppy’s weight, consider using a weight tracker or scale, which can help you note any changes in your dog’s weight over time. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your Rottweiler receives the nutrients it needs to grow healthfully and develop into a well-balanced dog.

Rottweiler Feeding Guide According To Age

When it comes to feeding a Rottweiler puppy, there’s a lot of information and opinions out there. But the general advice is to feed puppies 2-3 meals per day until they’re 6 months old. After that, they can be fed two meals per day for puppies 6 months to one year old. For older dogs, one meal per day is adequate.

If your Rottweiler is a senior, you may need to feed him or her several small meals throughout the day to keep them healthy and happy.

You don’t have to follow these guidelines exactly, but it’s important to understand how much food your Rottweiler needs and what its diet should look like as it grows.

Rottweiler Feeding Guide: Birth to Three Months

As Rottweiler puppies grow and develop, their needs change. For example, puppies aged 0-3 months require high-quality puppy food to help support their developing bodies and promote healthy growth and development. This food should contain essential vitamins and minerals to help support a puppy’s growth and development.

To ensure a puppy’s health and well-being, it is important to feed them an appropriate size of food for their age and activity level. It is also beneficial to ensure that the food contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals to support healthy growth and development.

Puppies need to be fed up to four times per day, depending on their size and activity level. To ensure a puppy thrives, it is important to ensure that they are getting the right amount of food at each feeding. It is best to begin with small portions, gradually increasing as the puppy grows. Additionally, puppies require fresh water available at all times.

Image by Ilona Krijgsman from Pixabay

Rottweiler Feeding Guide: Three Months to Six Months

At three to six months of age, Rottweiler puppies require four meals a day. They should be fed a diet high in proteins and healthy fats for optimal growth. Puppies in this age group should be monitored for their weight gain, and their owners should adjust the amount of food given based on how they are eating and how much weight they are gaining.

It’s also important to provide plenty of fresh water to keep your puppy hydrated. Additionally, it’s important to clean up after your puppy to prevent accidents and promote good hygiene practices. Over- or under-feeding your puppy can have long-term consequences, so it’s essential to pay attention to their health and weight.

Rottweiler Feeding Guide: Six Months to One Year

Puppies at this age should be fed a high-quality puppy formula, with a minimum of 22 percent protein and 8 percent fat. It is important to feed your Rottweiler puppy three times per day to ensure they get the proper nutrition.

Puppies at this age need more energy than adult dogs, so it’s important to provide them with enough calories. Overfeeding can lead to obesity and other health issues, so it’s important to avoid overfeeding your pup.

You should also monitor your pup’s weight and adjust their portions accordingly as they grow into adulthood. Overall, taking care of your puppy well at this age will help them develop into a healthy and happy dog.

Rottweiler Feeding Guide: Adulthood

Rottweilers reach adulthood at around 18 months of age, and their dietary requirements change accordingly. At this stage, they should be eating a balanced diet that is high in protein and fat to support their active lifestyle. It’s important to adjust the amount of food based on your Rottweiler’s activity level and size.

If you are unsure about how much to feed your pup, talk to your veterinarian about the ideal adult-size Rottweiler diet. She can help determine the optimal amount of food for your dog at this stage in life. To ensure that your Rottweiler is getting enough water throughout the day, always give them a bowl filled with water available for them to drink from throughout the day.

Rottweiler Feeding Guide: Golden Years

A Rottweiler puppy’s nutrition is extremely important, especially during its growing stages. The optimal daily calorie intake for a Rottweiler puppy is between 2,000 and 3,000 calories per pound of body weight. To ensure your puppy is getting the proper amount of nutrition, you’ll need to calculate the number of calories your puppy should be eating based on his age and size.

To choose a high-quality food that meets your puppy’s nutritional needs, consider feeding him foods such as the puppy’s nutrition diet or dog nutrition diet. These diets provide balanced nutrition for your dog without the added ingredients or fillers that can cause health problems.

When feeding your puppy, make sure to always provide plenty of fresh water throughout the day. Also, monitor your puppy’s weight and adjust his food intake as necessary. By following these tips, you can ensure your puppy gets the nutritious food he needs to grow into a healthy and strong dog.

Raw Food Diet And Other Alternatives

When it comes to feeding a Rottweiler puppy, there are many options out there. Many breeders and experts recommend feeding puppies a raw food diet, but this is not the only option.

You can also opt for commercially-prepared dog foods, or even try feeding your puppy a mix of both diets. The key thing to consider when it comes to feeding a Rottweiler puppy is proper portion control. Too much or too little of anything can be harmful, so you’d want to ensure your pup is getting the correct amount of calories and nutrients for its age and size.

One way to do this is by using a dietitian or veterinarian as a resource when making decisions about what your puppy should eat. This will help ensure your pet gets the nutrition it needs to grow and a healthy body weight. You can also supplement with vitamins and minerals if needed by your puppy.

Rottweiler perspective owners, What to know

When caring for a Rottweiler puppy, it’s important to consider the age and size of the dog when selecting food. puppies need different dietary supplements than adults, so be sure to read feeding instructions on food labels carefully and follow them as directed.

It’s also a good idea to feed your Rottweiler puppy several small meals a day instead of one large meal. This will help prevent overweight and other health problems. It’s important to avoid overfeeding, as this can lead to weight gain and health problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some things to know before getting a Rottweiler dog?

Rottweilers are great companions, but they require a lot of commitment from their owners to be healthy and happy. Here are some important things you should know before getting a Rottweiler dog:

1. Training: Rottweilers are intelligent and loyal dogs, and they can easily be trained with the right methods. Start training them early so that they can learn basic commands and understand acceptable behaviors.

2. Exercise: These dogs require plenty of exercises to stay physically fit and mentally stimulated. Make sure to take your Rottweiler for walks regularly, and play fetch or tug-of-war games with them.

3. Diet: Provide your Rottweiler with a high-quality diet that meets their nutritional needs throughout their life. Feed them 2-3 times a day in small meals, and increase their calorie intake as they grow.

4. Socialization: If you’re getting a puppy, it is extremely important to socialize with people and other animals early on. This will help them grow into confident and well-behaved dogs as adults.

Is a rottweiler a good family pet?

Yes, Rottweilers can make great family pets. They are loyal, protective dogs that are known to be gentle and loving companions. Rottweilers are also quite intelligent and usually get along well with children when they have been properly socialized.

That said, it is important to note that these intelligent and powerful dogs need to be handled with care and trained correctly for them to be good family pets. They require consistent training and positive reinforcement to develop good behavior habits. Additionally, Rottweilers need proper exercise, nutrition, attachment, and mental stimulation to stay healthy and well-behaved.

What are some good sources for information about how much to feed a rottweiler puppy?

If you’re looking for information about how much to feed a Rottweiler puppy, here are some good sources:

1. Talk to your vet or a qualified canine nutritionist for specific advice tailored to your pup’s needs. They will have the most up-to-date and accurate information on what and how much to feed your puppy according to its breed, age, size, and health condition.

2. Consult books and websites dedicated to Rottweiler puppies such as The American Kennel Club’s website. You can find detailed written guides about feeding puppies of different ages and sizes such as puppies under 6 months, adult Rottweilers, etc.

3. Research and compare different brands of puppy food – not all foods contain the same nutrition profiles so taking the time to compare different brands can ensure that you are giving your pup the best nutrition.

4. Follow the feeding instructions on the package of puppy food, but be aware that these may not be suitable for your pup – always consult your vet/nutritionist before following any specific advice.

How do you know if your Rottweiler puppy is overweight or underweight?

To determine if your Rottweiler puppy is overweight or underweight, you should look out for the following signs:

– First of all, when viewed from above the puppy should have a visible waistline.

– When you feel the ribs of your puppy, they should not be visible but rather easily felt.

– When viewed from the side, the puppy’s body should form an hourglass shape.

– If your puppy is overweight, you may notice signs of lethargy or difficulty moving around.

– If your puppy is underweight, you may notice signs of poor coat condition or a lack of energy.

It’s important to monitor the size and weight of your Rottweiler puppy so that it remains healthy. Speak to your vet if you have any doubts about its weight or health condition.

What is the best dog food for Rottweilers and puppies?

If you’re looking for the best food choice for your Rottweiler puppy, then look no further! Generally, the best food for Rottweiler puppies is a high-quality puppy food that contains at least 22% protein and 8-12% fat. This formula gives your puppy the nutrition they need to grow into an active and healthy adult. Additionally, it should also contain a range of essential vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, and omega fatty acids for optimal nutrition and well-being.

When selecting a food for your puppy, be sure to avoid food with artificial flavors or preservatives, as well as foods with fillers like corn or wheat. Instead, opt for foods that are grain-free and contain premium ingredients from whole fruits and vegetables.

Make sure the food is for large breeds.

Finally, make sure to consult your veterinarian before selecting a food for your puppy. They will be able to provide you with personalized recommendations based on your puppy’s breed, size, age, activity level, and health condition.

Does raw food work better than cooked food for Rottweilers puppies?

The debate of whether cooked food or a raw diet works better for Rottweiler puppies is an ongoing one. However, both options can work to provide the nutrition your puppy needs.

Raw foods have a higher content of protein and other nutrients which may be beneficial for puppies that are growing and developing. However, raw foods should always be properly prepared to avoid any potential risks, such as bacterial contamination.

On the other hand, cooked food may be easier to prepare, store and feed your puppy, especially if you are inexperienced with preparing raw diets. Make sure that whatever food you choose is of high quality and meets your nutritional needs.

Can I mix dog foods to create my diet plan for my rottweiler puppy?

Mixing different dog foods to create your diet plan for your Rottweiler puppy is not recommended as it can lead to nutritional imbalances and can be detrimental to their health.

You should choose a single brand of puppy food and feed it to your Rottweiler at regular intervals. The amount of food that you feed them will vary depending on their age, weight, and activity level. It is best to consult with a veterinarian or canine nutritionist to determine the best diet plan for your puppy.

Ultimately, the key is to provide your puppy with a well-balanced diet with plenty of healthy proteins and fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals so that they stay healthy and active.

Tips for a healthy final 1/3rd of a Rottweiler’s life? 

As your Rottweiler enters into the last 1/3rd of their life, there are certain steps that you can take to ensure they stay healthy and happy.

First and foremost, maintaining a healthy diet is key for your Rottweiler. Aim to feed them high-quality food with the right amount of calories and nutrients appropriate for their age and activity level. Additionally, consider adding supplements to their diet as well to make sure they’re getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Sometimes wet food is necessary due to dental issues.

Exercise is just as important during this time in your Rottweiler’s life. Make sure they get enough physical activity each day. This will help them stay active and maintain their muscle mass even in old age.

Finally, providing companionship, care, and love throughout your pup’s life will help ensure their happiest and healthiest years!


The Rottweiler breed is known for its strength and size. Because of this, you must keep an eye on their diet and exercise routine throughout the day. Following a feeding schedule can ensure that your pup stays healthy, fit, and strong. Plus, it’s vital for his growth and development. We hope this guide helps you take good care of your furry friend!


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