There are hundreds of dog breeds in the world, but not all of them have made it to the American Kennel Club’s Breeds that Start with L list. For example, there are no Labrador Retrievers or Lhasa Apsos on the list, even though those dogs have been around since their breeds were established in the mid-to-late 1900s.Here are just a few:
Labrador Retriever
The Labrador Retriever is a popular dog breed, with over 100 years of history. The Labrador, known as the St. John’s dog or Lesser Newfoundland, was originally bred to help fisherman in Newfoundland and Labrador Canada.
Labradors have a friendly disposition, are good-natured and easygoing, making them an excellent pet for families. Labs also have an incredible sense of smell and can be trained to track game and search for people who are lost or missing.
Labradors need a lot of exercise to stay healthy; they should get at least one hour of aerobic activity per day.

The Leonberger is a German dog breed that has a generally happy, friendly personality. It is a large-sized dog, but not as massive as some other breeds. The Leonberger is a strong and muscular dog, but still manages to be elegant and graceful.
They are intelligent dogs who make good guard dogs because of their size and strength. The Leonberger gets along well with children and other pets in the home, making them an excellent family companion. They do require regular grooming due to their thick coat, which can be trimmed to meet individual needs.
The Leonberger was originally bred as an all-purpose farm dog in Germany sometime between 1850 and 1890.

Lhasa Apso
The Lhasa Apso is a strong, independent dog who does not need to be taken on long walks every day. This is not to say they don’t enjoy a walk, but because of their small size and short coat, they require less exercise than most breeds. T
hey are intelligent dogs and love to learn new tricks and take part in any activity around them. The Lhasa Apso is an excellent family pet because they are gentle with children and do well around other pets if properly introduced. As long as they have regular grooming, these dogs will remain clean and odor-free.

The Lowchen is a dog breed that originated in Tibet. It stands at 13 to 17 inches and has a solid, muscular build. The head is wedge-shaped with ears that are usually cropped and erect.
These dogs have an even temperament, are intelligent, and make excellent family companions. They should be supervised around children and other pets as they can be sensitive to loud noises.

Lakeland Terrier
The Lakeland Terrier is a small but sturdy, lively dog. They are bred to hunt rabbits and other small game, and are known for their ability to think on their feet and react quickly. The breed is also used in sporting events such as flyball, agility, and earthdog tests.
The Lakeland Terrier’s coat is dense, wiry, and wavy; it does not need much grooming or combing because it will naturally mat up without any help.

Lancashire Heeler
The Lancashire Heeler is a dog breed that originated in Lancashire, England. This is an old breed and there are conflicting opinions on whether it is named after the county or vice versa. These dogs were bred to herd sheep and cattle, as well as be a guard dog on farms.
There are two types of these dogs: Rough-haired and Smooth-haired. The Rough-haired variety has long hair all over its body, but only some hair on its head and legs, while the Smooth-hairs have shorter coats with lots of fur on their heads and legs. These breeds typically live for 12-13 years.

Lapponian Herder
The Lapponian Herder is a Finnish herding dog, used for herding reindeer. They are smaller and more agile than most other breeds, so they can easily maneuver around difficult terrain.
They were first bred in Finland in the 1800s. The breed is considered endangered because there are fewer than 150 dogs worldwide. The numbers have dwindled due to lack of conservation efforts.

Lagotto Romagnolo
The Lagotto Romagnolo is a large, white and brown, curly-coated water dog from Italy. A distinctive trait of this breed is its large, webbed paws which enable it to swim at great speeds. It has a gentle disposition and has been bred for hunting ducks and other waterfowl.
The Lagotto Romagnolo needs plenty of exercise in order to be content. In fact, they need more than most breeds. They are not an apartment dog and will not do well if left alone all day while their owners work or study. They need a lot of human contact and affection, so they are not good choices for people who travel extensively or people who have careers that require them to spend time away from home.
The Lagotto Romagnolo was recognized by the Kennel Club in 2005 but has yet to achieve full recognition with AKC

Legendary! These were our picks for the top dogs that start with (L). All of these pooches are recognized by the AKC. These furry friends are looking for forever homes. Run to your shelters and rescues, it’s a great feeling.