Puppies are constantly growing and developing, and as such, they need to be vaccinated against a variety of diseases. That’s where da2pp shots come in – these shots help puppies develop immunity to distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, and rabies.

Dog receiving injection
Dog receiving injection

This article highlights important facts about da2pp shots for dogs that you should know!

What is a da2pp vaccination?

Are you looking for a way to give your dog the best possible care? DA2pp shots may be the answer. DA2pp shots are a type of vaccine that is injected into dogs to help prevent several diseases, including parvovirus B19. This vaccine is also used to help dogs that are already infected with parvovirus B19.

The canine distemper-adenovirus type 2-parvovirus (DA2PP) vaccine is an important vaccination for protecting your dog against several serious infectious diseases. It protects against distemper, adenovirus type 2, parvovirus and parainfluenza virus. These contagious viruses can cause a wide range of symptoms including vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, sneezing, lethargy and coughing in dogs that are not vaccinated.

This vaccination should be given to puppies at 8 weeks old or older then again every 3-4 weeks until they are 16 weeks old. After that, it should be given annually or every 1-3 years depending on the veterinarian’s advice.

veterinary surgeon is giving the vaccine to the dog
Veterinary surgeon is giving the vaccine to the dog

Here are 4 important facts about da2pp shots for dogs:

1. A da2pp shot is a vaccine that is injected into dogs to help prevent parvovirus B19.

2. da2pp shots are also used to help dogs that are already infected with parvovirus B19.

3. A da2pp shot is most effective when it is given as soon as possible after your dog becomes infected with parvovirus B19.

4. A da2pp shot is not always effective, and your dog may still develop parvovirus B19 symptoms.

Vet examining a dog and writing on clipboard in medical office
Vet examining a dog and writing on clipboard in medical office

How many da2pp shots does your canine need?

Puppies need da2pp shots to help them fight off disease and keep them healthy. Here are some important facts about da2pp shots for puppies:

-Puppies need one shot every two weeks, starting at six weeks old.

The first shot should be given at six to eight weeks old, and the second shot at twelve weeks old.

-Puppies should be dewormed every three months of age after their first shot, and then every six months after that.

Male veterinarian giving an injection to Yorkshire Terrier dog at vet clinic. Selective focus on dog
Male veterinarian giving an injection to Yorkshire Terrier dog at vet clinic.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

The DA2PP shot is a combo vaccine that protects against highly contagious viruses often found in dogs. Boarding, grooming, and daycare facilities require this vaccine for the well-being of other dogs.

Though not legally required in the US, most vets recommend it for every dog’s safety. Puppies need three DA2PP vaccinations before they turn 16 weeks old, guaranteeing full protection.

Without the vaccine, your dog will be susceptible to infectious diseases that will make them sick.

Furthermore, being unvaccinated could prevent your dog from going to dog parks or attending dog daycare.

Like any vaccine, there may be some side effects or potential risks associated with the DA2PP shot, but these are generally rare and far outweigh the benefits of getting the vaccine.

Young female veterinary vaccinating a Maltese dog at the doctor's office. Close-up.
Young female veterinary vaccinating a Maltese dog at the doctor’s office. .

Side effects of the DA2pp shot are:

1. Lethargy and loss of appetite in the first 24-48 hours.

2. Rarely, vomiting and diarrhea can occur within two days after vaccination, although this is usually mild if it occurs at all.

3. Some puppies may experience pain or swelling at the injection site as well as a low fever that resolves on its own over time without treatment

4. An occasional dog may have an allergic reaction to the vaccine which could lead to hives or facial swelling

5a) Duration of immunity: The DA2pp shot provides protection against distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza and parvovirus for up to three years with a single injection.

5b) No matter what age of dog you have, it should be vaccinated with the DA2pp shot every three years to ensure that your pet is still protected.

Play time at the clinic. a vet trying to listen to a playful bulldog puppys heartbeat.
Play time at the clinic. a vet trying to listen to a playful bulldog puppys heartbeat. 

What are the benefits of a da2pp shots?

There are a lot of benefits to getting da2pp shots for dogs. Here are 8 of the most important:

1. da2pp shots help to reduce the number of vet visits.

2. They improve dog’s immunity to common diseases.

3. They help to regulate canine blood sugar levels.

4. They help to reduce itching and scratching.

5. They improve dog’s coat and health overall.

6. They can be used to treat a wide variety of health problems in dogs.

7. They are painless and easy to administer.

8. They are a good choice for dogs of all ages and breeds.

Close up veterinarian giving an injection to a dog at hospital.
Close up veterinarian giving an injection to a dog at hospital

Everything You Must Know About Vaccinating Your Dog

It’s important to keep your dog vaccinated against distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza and rabies, as these diseases can be deadly.

Here are some of the most important facts about da2pp shots for dogs:

1. Distemper is a highly contagious disease that can be fatal in dogs of all ages.

2. hepatitis is a virus that can cause liver disease, and is often fatal.

3. Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that can cause seizures, kidney failure and even death in dogs.

4. Parainfluenza is a virus that can cause severe breathing problems in dogs, and is also a leading cause of puppy mortality.

5. Rabies is a virus that is highly contagious and can be fatal in dogs if not treated quickly.

6. In order to make sure your dog is vaccinated against the diseases listed above, make sure they are receiving da2pp shots. These shots

Australian Shepherd and vet
Australian Shepherd and vet

What Are Dog Vaccines And Why Are They Important?

Dogs are man’s best friend, and they deserve the best of everything – which includes good health. That’s why it’s so important to get your dog vaccinated, especially against a few common illnesses.

Here are 5 important facts about da2pp shots for dogs:

1. Dog vaccines help protect your pet from a variety of diseases, including rabies, distemper, parvovirus, kennel cough, lymes disease and leptospirosis.

2. A dog has a vaccination protocol and is typically given as a series of shots over a period of time.

3. There are several types of vaccines available for dogs, and each one is tailored to protect against specific disease threats.

4. The most effective dog vaccines are those that are given in a series, as it allows the vaccine to build up immunity in your pet.

5. There are some vaccines that are specific to certain breeds of dogs, and it’s important to get them as soon as your dog is able

Golden retriever dog getting injection with vaccine during appointment in veterinary clinic

What Are The Core Dog Vaccinations?

Here are 6 important facts about da2pp shots for dogs:

1. All dogs should be vaccinated against distemper, parvovirus, adenovirus and rabies.

2. Da2pp shots are a booster vaccination, and should be given every three years.

3. The vaccine is effective for dogs of all ages, but is especially important for puppies and adult dogs who are not fully vaccinated against these diseases.

4. Dogs who are unwell after receiving a vaccination may still be protected if the disease is not severe.

5. If your dog is traveling to a country where rabies is a risk, they should be vaccinated against rabies too.

6. Vaccinations can be painful for dogs, but the benefits of protection are worth it.

Young vet at the clinic with a dog German Shepherd breed.
Young vet at the clinic with a dog German Shepherd breed.

When To Start Puppy Vaccinations

Puppies are so adorable, but they’re also susceptible to a number of health problems due to their immune system. One of which is rabies. To protect your pup, it’s important to get them vaccinated at the appropriate age.

Here are six important facts about da2pp shots for dogs:

1. Rabies vaccination is required for all dogs over the age of six months.

2. The vaccine must be administered at least four weeks prior to exposure to rabies, and at least three weeks prior to first vaccination for puppies.

3. Your vet will determine when your puppy is ready for the vaccination, based on their age, weight, vaccination history, and other factors.

4. There is no specific time frame for booster vaccinations, but puppies should receive them every three years.

5. The vaccine is safe and effective, but dogs may experience a mild side effect such as redness at the site of injection.

6. If your dog experiences any other adverse effects after injection, consult your veterinarian

Puppy’s AgeRecommended VaccinationsOptional Vaccinations
6 — 8 weeksDistemper, parvovirusBordetella
10 — 12 weeksDHPP (vaccines for distemper, adenovirus [hepatitis], parainfluenza, and parvovirus)Influenza, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme disease per lifestyle as recommended by veterinarian
16 — 18 weeksDHPP, rabiesInfluenza, Lyme disease, Leptospirosis, Bordetella per lifestyle
12 — 16 monthsDHPP, rabiesCoronavirus, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme disease
Every 1 — 2 yearsDHPPInfluenza, Coronavirus, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme disease per lifestyle
Every 1 — 3 yearsRabies (as required by law)none

Puppy Vaccination Schedule

Keeping your dog vaccinated is important for their health and yours. Here are some important facts about da2pp shots for dogs:

1. The da2pp shots for dogs vaccination schedule is typically three doses, given at least one month apart.

2. The initial vaccination should be given when the puppy is 12 weeks of age and the second dose should be given four to six weeks after the first. The final dose should be given one to two months after the second.

3. Puppies that are not up to date on their vaccinations may not be able to build immunity to certain diseases and could be at risk of getting sick.

4. Make sure to keep your puppy up to date on their vaccinations by visiting a vet regularly. By following this vaccination schedule, you’re ensuring your dog’s health and your own.

Side Effects And Risks Associated With Dog Vaccinations

Dog vaccinations are important for both your dog and the community. Here are some important facts about da2pp shots for dogs:

1. da2pp shots are effective in protecting dogs from a variety of canine diseases, including parvovirus, distemper, hepatitis, rabies, and leptospirosis.

2. Side effects associated with dog vaccinations can vary, but are typically mild and resolve within a few days.

3. There is a small risk of anaphylaxis, which is a severe allergic reaction that can be life-threatening. Seek immediate medical attention if this occurs.

4. Vaccinations should be given at least two weeks prior to travel to areas where the disease is prevalent, to allow time for the vaccine to work.

5. Please Note: da2pp shots are not appropriate for dogs that are pregnant or nursing.

6. Always consult your veterinarian before administering any type of vaccine, as vaccination reactions are not always predictable

Chihuahua biting on stethoscope
This Chihuahua is not having any of this.

Diseases That Vaccinations Prevent

Among the many benefits of canine vaccinations are protection from a variety of contagious diseases. These shots help prevent parvovirus, distemper, hepatitis A, B and C, rabies virus, leptospirosis (a bacterial disease), and several types of adenovirus.

Puppies that are not up to date on their vaccine schedule may not be able to build immunity against certain diseases. For example:

-Puppies that have not received da2pp shots may be at risk for catching parvovirus if exposed to the virus before their final booster.

-Puppies that have not received distemper vaccine may become ill with the disease if exposed to it.

-A puppy that has not received hepatitis A, B, or C vaccination can catch this highly contagious virus from other dogs and cats who are infected.

-Leptospirosis is a serious bacterial infection that can be fatal in puppies if left untreated.

-A puppy that has not received the rabies vaccine may be infected with the virus and may develop a severe illness or even die.

-Make sure your dog takes the heartworm tests and receives the preventative heartworm medication

Smiling vet with golden retriever dog and fluffy cat in veterinarian clinic
Bringing your best friend with you to your vet appointment…. Priceless


There is no definitive answer to this question as puppy needs vary depending on their age, size and activity level. However, a general guideline would be that puppies require approximately one or two da2pp shots per month.

Always consult with your veterinarian before administering any type of vaccine. The da2pp shots protect puppies from several contagious diseases, such as parvovirus, distemper, hepatitis A, B and C, rabies virus, leptospirosis, and adenovirus.

Puppies that don’t receive vaccinations may not be able to build immunity against certain diseases and may become ill or die if exposed to the virus. This is why it is important to keep puppies up-to-date with their vaccine schedule.

Along with da2pp vaccinations, puppies should also get regular heartworm tests and preventive medication.