Dogs are the perfect family pet. They love kids and provide companionship to their owners all day long, every day of the year! If you’re thinking about getting a dog, or if you already have one and are looking to add another member to your pack, here’s a list of some fun and friendly dogs that all start with the letter D!
The Dachshund is a very intelligent breed which originated in Germany. The name literally translates to badger dog, and they were bred to hunt badgers in their burrows. In fact, many people think they look like a little badger because of their long bodies and short legs; it’s even been reported that they’ve been mistaken for a ferret or weasel at times!

A Dalmatian is a breed of dog closely related to the coach dog or English coach dog. The term may also refer to one who attends as a coachman (driver). They are spotted because they have black spots on their fur, which are called ‘rosettes’. It is not known how these spots got their name, but it is thought they were named after either Dalmatia or Dalmatica-both places in Croatia.
The Dalmatian was first bred in England in 1760 by Sir Randolph Routh for use as carriage dogs. They were popular at that time because they were capable of guarding carriages without being too big or making a lot of noise.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier
The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a small dog breed originally bred in Scotland to hunt foxes and other vermin. They are known for their intelligence and playful energy, but can be stubborn at times, so it’s important to establish rules early on.
The average lifespan of a Dandie Dinmont Terrier is 12-15 years, but they have been known to live as long as 20 years. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier has many different nicknames, including the coated Keeshond or Cobby Curl

Danish-Swedish Farm Dog
The Danish-Swedish Farm dog is a medium-sized breed native to Denmark. They are known for their strength, intelligence, and loyalty. The Danish-Swedish Farm dog makes a great family pet, but also does well in work situations such as herding or search and rescue. It is an intelligent animal, but can be stubborn at times when it comes to learning new things. With proper training, this dog can excel in any setting it is placed in.
The Danish-Swedish Farm dog should be combed every day with a strong bristle brush to remove loose hair from its coat; otherwise they will shed heavily year round except during winter months when shedding slows down significantly or stops altogether depending on climate conditions such as rain, snowfall etcetera.

Deutscher Wachtelhund
The Deutscher Wachtelhund is a herding dog from Germany. It’s medium in size, weighing between 40-55 pounds (18-25 kilograms) when full-grown. The coat can be red to mahogany brown, black or black and tan in coloration with a white undercoat.
Deutscher Wachtelhund’s are very intelligent and easy to train, but are also known for their intense energy levels; they require plenty of physical activity as well as mental stimulation to prevent them from becoming bored and destructive. This breed makes an excellent family pet provided they get plenty of exercise; without it, they may become snappy or aggressive towards people or other animals in your home.

Doberman Pinscher
The Doberman Pinscher is one of the best-known breeds, famous for its effectiveness as a personal protection dog. They’re often called the Super dog, which is fitting due to their intelligence, strength, and loyalty. Originating in Germany in 1890, these muscular dogs have a short but dense coat (usually black or tan) and are noted for their piercing eyes and square muzzle. They can reach heights up to 28 inches at the shoulder (70 cm).
The breed was originally developed by Karl Friedrich Louis Doberman from Rottweiler stock by crossing some terriers into them as well; since then they have been known for their sharp senses, intelligence, speed and endurance.

Dogo Argentino
The Dogo Argentino is a large breed of dog, as it can weigh up to 150 pounds for females and 200 pounds for males. In addition to being large in size, they are also extremely muscular, which gives them a powerful look. The coat is usually short or medium-length fur that is white with red or tan markings on the head and back.
This breed was originally developed in Argentina for big-game hunting such as wild boar, puma, deer and foxes among other animals.

Dogue de Bordeaux
The Dogue de Bordeaux is a French mastiff breed that has been around since at least the 17th century. It’s also known as the Bordeaux Mastiff or French Mastiff. The breed was originally used for hunting wild boar in France, but it has become more popular as a companion pet in recent years. Some people think they are too large to be pets, but they make good guard dogs when trained well.
They are affectionate and loyal to their family, which makes them great for homes with children and other animals. They shed quite a bit year-round, but their coat only grows thick during winter months when it needs to keep them warm.

Drentsche Patrijshond
The Drentsche Patrijshond is a medium-sized dog breed originating from the Netherlands. It is a very old breed that has been known as a versatile farm dog for centuries. They are excellent working dogs as they are calm yet have lots of energy to work hard. They also make good family pets because they are loving and playful with kids while still being able to be independent if needed. The name means ‘Dutch Partridge Dog’ in Dutch, but it was once translated as ‘Dutch Stag Dog’ in English due to their hunting skills.

The Drever is a relatively new dog breed that is gaining popularity in many different parts of the world. It’s a mix between two very popular breeds: the Flat-Coated Retriever and the German Shepherd Dog. The result? A beautiful but tough-looking canine who loves being outdoors as much as they love being around their family.

Dutch Shepherd
The Dutch Shepherd is an intelligent breed known to be very agile and loyal to their owners. They are a relatively new breed first created in the 1930s by crossing German Shepherds with a variety of other breeds such as American Eskimos, Keeshonds, Austrian Black-and-Tan Shepherds, Bearded Collies and Finnish Spitzes. The Dutch Shepherd has been recognized by the United Kennel Club since 1978.

The list of dogs that start with the letter D is long and adorable. From Dalmatians to Dachshunds, these dogs are all special in their own way. If you’re looking for a new pup to join your family, check out this list for some inspiration. With so many dog breeds to choose from, it’s hard not to find the perfect canine match.