How to Calm Down a Hyper Dog

Hyperactivity, or being overly active, is one of the most commonly reported behavioral concerns of Canine Good Citizen (CGC) and AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy dog owners. As a dog owner, you may have experienced your furry best friend exploding with energy. Running, jumping, and playing are part of a dog’s nature, so it is to be expected to a certain extent. Sometimes, your pup can go overboard with their excitement. 

When your dog becomes too hyper, what can you do to calm them down? Most of the time, we as owners should be more informed about our dog breed’s needs for schedule and activity levels. 

In this article, we will discuss how our dogs become hyper and tips to calm them down. Let’s get started! 

What Makes a Dog Hyper?

In order to successfully manage the task of calming a hyper-active dog, it will be beneficial if we first identify the cause of the behavior. This is important so that we can accurately address the situation. Once we have a reason for the behavior, we can then provide the best solutions for our pups. Below are a few reasons your dog may be acting hyper:

  1. Boredom

Boredom is one of the most common reasons your dog feels hyperactive. Luckily, it is the easiest to cure. To determine if this is the reason for your dog’s temperament – take a look at your daily routine. If your dog is home alone for extended periods of time, has little exercise during the day, or simply just isn’t receiving enough play time from you – boredom could be causing them to have built-up bursts of energy that seem uncontrollable. 

Some breeds require more exercise than others. It’s a good idea to do some research on your specific breed to understand their needs. Examples of breeds that need the most exercise are Poodles, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Russell Terrier, and the Border Collie. These athletic breeds will require extra long walks and games of fetch. 

  1. Diet

Diet alone will not be the reason your dog is overly hyper, but it could be the underlying culprit in conjunction with the others on this list. Have you ever had a huge meal and felt sleepy afterward? Or had too much sugar or caffeine and been in a rush of energy? The ways that different foods affect our bodies can have the same effects on our dogs. 

Specifically, options such as chicken, turkey, or wild meat, have high amounts of phenylalanine. Phenylalanine is a chemical that causes our dogs to feel overly stimulated. If you think this is the reason for your dog’s hyperactivity, try switching their food to something containing sheep, lamb, or pork meat.

  1. Excitement

Excitement or stimulation is another common reason your dog is displaying a hyper attitude. They could be excited for a number of reasons. Maybe you just came home from work, or they saw another dog on their nightly walk. It is up to you to identify that specific reason. Doing this will help you understand why your pup is so hyper! 

Experts say that this happens because dogs’ brains work similarly to our own. Upon experiencing a happy situation, the brain releases a chemical called dopamine. This chemical is responsible for feelings of joy and happiness. For dogs, this might be displayed as jumping, running, or barking. 

  1. ADHD or Hyperkinesis

Just like humans, dogs can suffer from symptoms of ADHD. In canines, this condition is called hyperkinesis. Symptoms include high energy, distractibility, fidgeting, inability to pay attention, and impulsiveness. This condition can be frustrating for a dog owner to deal with, as it leads to a number of behavioral issues. 

To determine whether this is the case for your dog, it is best to reach out to your trusted veterinarian. They will evaluate your dog to come to a diagnosis and ultimately a plan for treatment. 

Ways to Calm Down Your Hyper Dog 

Now that we have addressed the possible reasons for your dog’s hyper tendencies, let’s get into how we can prevent that behavior. Each dog is different and has different needs, sometimes your dog may need a combination of these solutions. 

  1. Exercise Frequently 

Exercise is the simplest method to tiring out your dog. As we mentioned before, certain breeds will require certain levels of activity. For example, an owner of a Golden Retriever will need to provide more exercise opportunities to their dog than the owner of a Pug or French Bulldog (breeds that are notorious for being lazy.) This could mean long walks per day, running around, games of fetch, etc.

  1. Provide Mental Stimulation 

Mental stimulation is just as important as physical. You can use puzzles, treat-release toys, or outdoor activities to keep your dog busy. This will tap into their problem-solving skills and wear them out! Most dogs should have at least 20 minutes of active stimulation each day. 

  1. Enroll in an Obedience Class

Training is an important part of being a dog owner. This ensures your dog grows up to be the best dog it can be. It also makes your life as a pet parent easier! Learning tips from a professional will help you to learn the best way to interact with your dog. Additionally, being in an obedience class keeps your dog stimulated, which will tire them out. 


Hyperactivity is a common concern among many dog owners. For dogs, this can be displayed as uncontrollable running, jumping, or barking. For a pet parent, this can be frustrating at times. The best way to combat your dog’s overstimulation is by figuring out the reason behind the behavior. This could be boredom, excitement, diet, etc. 

As we learned, there are a few different methods to calming down your hyper dog. Some of our favorite methods are going on an extra walk, providing mental stimulation, or enrolling in an obedience class to learn some professional tips. 

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