German Shepherd Puppies Sleep A Lot? Now The Shocking Truth!

German Shepherd Puppies sleep a lot? Noticing your German Shepherd puppy sleeping a lot? It’s not uncommon for new pet owners to question if this is normal. On average, these pups can sleep up to 18-20 hours per day!

This blog post will unravel the mystery behind your pup’s extensive slumber, exploring factors affecting their sleep patterns and how you can ensure they’re getting quality zzz’s.

Ready for some enlightening insights? Dive in!

German Shepherd lounging in bed
German Shepherd lounging in bed

Key Takeaways

  • Your young German Shepherd puppy will sleep an average of 18 to 20 hours per day, with multiple periods of sleep throughout a 24-hour cycle.
  • Plenty of sleep is crucial for their growth and development, so it’s important to provide a comfortable sleeping area and maintain a consistent sleep schedule.
  • Factors that affect their sleep patterns include growth and development, diet and exercise, as well as health and environmental factors.
  • Signs of abnormal or excessive sleep should be monitored, including extreme lethargy, difficulty waking up, changes in appetite or behavior. Consult with a veterinarian if any concerns arise.

How Much Do German Shepherd Puppies Sleep?

German Shepherd puppy lying on blanket in bed
German Shepherd puppy lying on blanket in bed

German Shepherd puppies typically sleep for an average of 18 to 20 hours per day.

Normal sleep patterns

A young puppy often exhibits a sleep pattern known as polyphasic sleep. This means they have multiple periods of sleep within a 24-hour cycle, rather than just one long stint at night like humans typically do.

Most young pups are awake and active for about five hours each day, with the remaining time spent sleeping or resting to conserve energy. Sleep periods during the day may last just a few minutes to an hour whereas nighttime rest can last up to six hours straight in very young puppies.

As they grow older and more mature, these daytime naps become shorter and less frequent while their nighttime sleep consolidates into longer, uninterrupted periods.

German Shepherd puppy alert in bed
German Shepherd puppy alert in bed

Average hours of sleep per day

German Shepherd puppies need an adequate amount of sleep to support their growth and development. On average, they German Shepherd puppy sleep for about 15-18 hours per day. This long period of rest is essential for them to recharge and replenish their energy levels.

It’s important to provide a comfortable sleeping area and maintain a consistent sleep schedule to ensure they get the right amount of rest they need. Monitoring any changes in their sleep patterns can help identify if there are any underlying issues that may affect their health or well-being.

GSD puppy lying on a messy bed
GSD puppy lying on a messy bed

Factors That Affect German Shepherd Puppy’s Sleep

Growth and development, diet and exercise, as well as health and environmental factors all play a role in the sleep patterns of German Shepherd puppies.

Growth and development

As German Shepherd puppies grow and develop, their sleep patterns can be influenced. It is during this stage that puppies need they need a lot of sleep as their bodies are rapidly growing and their brains are developing.

Adequate sleep plays a crucial role in promoting healthy growth and development in young German Shepherds.

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Diet and exercise

Proper diet and exercise are key factors that can affect the sleep patterns of your growing puppy. Providing a balanced and nutritious diet is important for their overall health, which in turn can contribute to better quality sleep.

Regular exercise helps to burn off excess energy and keeps them physically active, which can also promote a more restful sleep. Consulting with your veterinarian is a good choice in determining the appropriate diet and exercise routine for your German Shepherd puppy based on their age, size, and individual needs.

Health and environmental factors

Health and environmental factors play a significant role in the sleep patterns of German Shepherd puppies. Proper growth and development, along with a balanced diet and regular exercise, are crucial for promoting healthy sleep.

Additionally, creating a comfortable sleeping environment, maintaining consistent sleep schedules, and ensuring regular veterinary check-ups can also contribute to better sleep quality for your furry friend.

By addressing these factors, you can help establish healthy sleep habits in your German Shepherd puppy.

German Shepherd puppy lying in bed with their toys
German Shepherd puppy lying in bed with their toys

Signs of Normal and Excessive Sleep

German Shepherd puppies typically exhibit normal sleep behaviors, such as frequent napping throughout the day and deep sleep during the night. However, it’s important to be aware of signs that may indicate excessive or abnormal sleep patterns in your puppy.

Normal sleep behaviors

German Shepherd puppies, like all dogs, have certain normal sleep behaviors. They may start by circling their sleeping area to create a comfortable spot. Once settled, they typically curl up in a ball or stretch out on their side or back.

Breathing becomes slower and more regular as they enter deep sleep. During this time, you might see some twitching or gentle movements of the legs and paws as they dream. It’s important to understand these normal sleep behaviors so that you can recognize any changes or issues with your German Shepherd puppy’s sleep patterns.

When to be concerned

If your German Shepherd puppy is sleeping significantly more or less than the average hours mentioned earlier, it may be a cause for concern. Additionally, if your puppy shows signs of extreme lethargy or difficulty waking up from sleep, it may be worth consulting with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues. Also constantly waking up in the middle of the night is not normal behavior and can be a concern for health problems. 

Changes in appetite, behavior, or overall energy levels can also indicate that something might not be quite right. Monitoring and addressing any abnormal sleep patterns early on can help ensure the health and well-being of your German Shepherd puppy.

Two German Shepherd puppies running in field
Two German Shepherd puppies running in field

Creating a Healthy Sleep Environment for Your German Shepherd Puppy

To create a healthy sleep environment for your German Shepherd puppy, provide a comfortable sleeping area and maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

Providing a comfortable sleeping area

To ensure that your German Shepherd puppy gets a good night’s rest, it is important to provide them with a comfortable sleeping area. This can include a cozy bed or crate lined with soft bedding.

Make sure the area is quiet, away from distractions and has proper ventilation. Providing a comfortable sleeping space will help your puppy feel safe and relaxed, promoting better sleep quality.

German Shepherd puppy lying in dog bed
German Shepherd puppy lying in dog bed

Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule

consistent sleep schedule is important for a new puppy.  Here are some tips to help you maintain a regular sleep routine for your furry friend:

  • Set a specific bedtime and wake – up time for your puppy. Sticking to a good sleep schedule as much as possible, even on weekends. Keep a consistent time!
  • Establish a bedtime routine that signals to your puppy that it’s time to sleep. This could include activities like a short walk, some quiet playtime, or a calming massage.
  • Create a comfortable sleeping environment for your puppy. Provide a cozy dog bed, a quiet place and make sure the temperature in the room is neither too hot nor too cold.
  • Avoiding disruptions plays an important role during your puppy’s designated sleep times. Try to keep noise levels down and discourage rough play or excessive activity when it’s time for rest.
  • Be consistent with meal times. Feeding your puppy at the same times each day can help regulate their digestion and promote better sleep.
  • Limit access to water right before bedtime to prevent nighttime bathroom trips.
  • Take your puppy out for one last potty break right before bedtime to ensure they are comfortable throughout the night.
German Shepherd puppy lying amongst his toys
German Shepherd puppy lying amongst his toys

Ensuring proper nutrition and exercise

To ensure your German Shepherd puppy gets enough sleep, it’s crucial to provide them with proper nutrition and regular exercise. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Feed a balanced diet: Make sure your puppy is getting the right nutrients through a high-quality, age-appropriate dog food. Consult with your veterinarian for specific dietary recommendations.
  2. Monitor portion sizes: Overfeeding can lead to weight gain and digestive issues which may disrupt your puppy’s sleep patterns. Follow the recommended portion sizes based on their age and weight.
  3. Schedule regular exercise: German Shepherds are an active breed that require daily physical activity to expend energy. Engage in playtime, walks, or runs to help tire them out and promote better sleep.
  4. Mental stimulation: Along with physical exercise, mental stimulation is important for keeping young dogs engaged and preventing boredom. Provide puzzle toys or training sessions to keep their minds active.
  5. Avoid late-night meals: Try not to feed your puppy too close to bedtime as a full stomach can cause discomfort and disrupt their sleep.
  6. Establish a routine: Setting consistent mealtimes and exercise schedules is the best way for your puppy to help regulate their sleeping schedule.
German Shepherd puppy peaking out from under the covers
German Shepherd puppy peaking out from under the covers

Regular veterinary check-ups

It is important to schedule regular veterinary check-ups for your GSD puppy. These check-ups allow the veterinarian to monitor your puppy’s overall health, including their sleep patterns.

During these visits, the vet can examine your puppy for any signs of sleep-related issues or underlying health conditions that may be affecting their sleep. Regular check-ups also provide an opportunity to discuss any concerns or questions you may have about your puppy’s sleep habits, and the veterinarian can offer guidance on how to promote healthy sleep for your furry friend.

In addition to monitoring your puppy’s health, regular veterinary check-ups ensure that they receive necessary vaccinations and preventative treatments. This helps protect them from diseases and parasites that can disrupt their sleep quality and overall well-being.

Monitoring and addressing any sleep-related concerns.

To ensure the overall well-being of your German Shepherd puppy, it is important to monitor and address any sleep-related concerns that may arise. By closely observing your puppy’s sleeping patterns, you can identify any changes or abnormal behaviors.

This includes excessive daytime drowsinessdifficulty falling asleep or staying asleepconstant tossing and turning, or frequent waking during the night. If you notice any of these issues, it is crucial to consult with a veterinarian who can help determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate guidance and treatment.

Regular check-ups will also allow you to discuss any concerns about your puppy’s sleep habits and make necessary adjustments to their routine for better rest and quality of life.

Owner hugging his German Shepherd puppy
Owner hugging his German Shepherd puppy


In conclusion, GSD puppies do sleep a lot, especially during their early stages of development. On average, they require around 18 to 20 hours of sleep per day. Factors such as growth and development, diet and exercise, and overall health can affect their sleeping patterns.

It is important for owners to provide a comfortable sleeping environment, maintain a consistent sleep schedule, ensure proper nutrition and exercise, and address any sleep-related concerns promptly.

By understanding the sleep needs of German Shepherd puppies and providing appropriate care, owners can help promote healthy sleeping habits for their best friend.

German Shepherd puppy lying in bed, head on pillow
German Shepherd puppy lying in bed, head on pillow


1. Do German Shepherd puppies sleep more than other dog breeds?

German Shepherd puppies generally have higher energy levels and require more physical activity, but they still need an adequate amount of rest. While they may not sleep significantly more than other breeds, it is important to provide them with a comfortable space where they can rest and recharge.

2. How many hours a day do German Shepherd puppies sleep?

On average, German Shepherd puppies sleep about 14 to 18 hours per day. However, the exact amount of sleep can vary depending on their age, activity level, and overall health.

3. Are there specific signs that my German Shepherd puppy needs more sleep?

Signs that your German Shepherd puppy may need more sleep include excessive yawning, appearing lethargic or disinterested in activities, or finding unusual places to nap during the day.

4. Should I establish a routine for my German Shepherd puppy’s sleeping habits?

Establishing a consistent routine for your German Shepherd puppy’s sleeping habits can be beneficial. Providing regular nap times and maintaining a quiet and comfortable sleeping area can help promote healthy rest patterns and prevent over tiredness or insomnia-like behavior.