Probably one of the most common google searches for dog owners is “Can my dog eat …” As a responsible pet owner, it is important to understand that a dog’s digestive tract is much different than humans, and even different breeds of dogs can differ from each other.

That being said, dogs process foods differently than humans, and sometimes cannot eat seemingly harmless foods that humans love. This is why it is always a good idea to make sure what you are feeding your furry friend is safe and approved for your dog’s stomach to handle. 

You may have heard that incorporating chicken into your dog’s diet is a safe and healthy option. Many dog foods even use chicken in their recipes! But what about the rotisserie chicken you find at your local grocery store? The short answer is yes (with stipulations). While it is safe for dogs to eat rotisserie chicken, it is important to remove all skin and bones to make it fully safe for your canine companion. 

In this article, we will discuss how to feed your dog rotisserie chicken, the health benefits of feeding your pup chicken, and how to avoid health issues when incorporating this into their meals. Keep reading for more information! 

Freshly cooked rotisserie chicken with herbs, on black wooden table

What is Rotisserie Chicken? 

Rotisserie chicken is a whole chicken that is cooked by rotating over a heat source. This type of chicken is different from traditionally cooked chicken, which is prepared over an open flame. The rotisserie chicken skin is commonly seasoned with garlic, paprika, salt, and onions. You can also find barbecue flavors and a ton of other varieties. It is a common choice for family dinners as the meat is easily shredded and served. 

Can My Dog Safely Eat Rotisserie Chicken? 

Feeding your dog chicken is a great way to incorporate lean protein into your dog’s meals. All chicken, including rotisserie chicken, is a great source of protein and contains a ton of vitamins and minerals your pup needs for a balanced diet. Skinless chicken breast and rice are popularly recommended by veterinarians for an upset stomach in a dog. 

Just like any food, it is important to make sure you are not overdoing it. Rotisserie chicken is a great special meal or occasional treat to feed your dog. Too much chicken can lead to digestive issues such as diarrhea or pancreatitis. This means you should not give your dog an entire rotisserie chicken alone. Additionally, although chicken is healthy for your dog to eat, you must make sure the chicken is cooked correctly, the skin is cut off and bones are removed, as these could lead to bacterial infections or choking.

Rules to Feed Your Dog Rotisserie Chicken

We mentioned that there are some stipulations to feeding your dog rotisserie chicken, so let’s break those down. These important things to keep in mind can be the difference between a happy healthy dog, or a costly trip to the vet leading to chronic health issues. 

When using rotisserie chicken in your dog’s meals, it is crucial to follow these rules

Make sure that the chicken has been cooked fully, raw chicken can be harmful in consumption

Ensure no harmful seasonings, flavors, or sauces have been used. It is best to prepare your dog’s chicken completely plain. (If you are getting store-bought rotisserie chicken, be sure to ask what seasonings were used in preparation.)

Allow the chicken to cool to prevent burning your dog’s mouth

Remove all skin of the rotisserie chicken to avoid choking hazards

Give your dog small amounts of chicken at first to be sure they like it, then mix with brown rice or vegetables

Do NOT give your dog any bones. Dogs are unable to process small bones in their digestive system. This can cause an obstruction or damage to your dog’s throat if swallowed whole

Monitor your dog’s reaction the following few days to ensure there are no issues with their body processing the chicken

Chickens being grilled on metal spin in the view

Benefits of Feeding Dogs Rotisserie Chicken 

Rotisserie chicken is a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. It can have a great effect on your dog’s health including managing weight loss, strengthening the immune system, and promoting muscle growth and development. Take a look below to see the top benefits of feeding your dog rotisserie chicken. 

Provide Essential Nutrients

Rotisserie chicken can provide your dog with the essential vitamins and nutrients they need for proper health. Chicken is an excellent source of protein. Protein contains amino acids, which ​​are essential for the development and maintenance of healthy tissues, muscles, organs, and bones. Chicken also contains vitamins such as vitamin B complex (B12), zinc, iron, phosphorus, and selenium.

Promote Weight Loss 

Chicken is one of the best options when it comes to weight management and loss. Rotisserie chicken is high in protein, but low in calories and fat. Lean meat is a good choice for dogs who are overweight or to prevent health problems related to obesity in dogs, such as heart disease, cancer, or hypertension. 

Strengthen Immune System 

Zinc, one of the nutrients that rotisserie chicken contains, is a powerhouse when it comes to the immune system. If consumed regularly, zinc works by helping to fight off harmful bacteria and viruses. It is also important to the growth of immune cells. Zinc acts as an antioxidant, which fights off free radicals and reduces inflammation.

Improve Cognitive Function 

Rotisserie chicken meat contains omega-3 fatty acids that help promote cognitive function in older dogs and support a healthy brain. Research has shown that these fatty acids are also beneficial for the development of the retina and nerve cells, and can treat canine arthritis and chronic kidney disease.

Risks of Feeding Dogs Rotisserie Chicken 

Now that we have discussed the benefits, let’s also look at the potential risks of feeding your dog rotisserie chicken. 

  • Illness From an Unhealthy Diet

While rotisserie chicken is a great supplement to your dog’s dry food, it also cannot be the only thing you feed your dog. Your dog’s digestive system is sensitive and requires a mixture of balance between lean protein and complex carbohydrates. Too much rotisserie chicken can lead to health problems. Eating whole rotisserie chicken, or even large amounts too frequently can cause an upset stomach, diarrhea, pancreatitis, obesity, vomiting, etc. 

  • Possible Injury From Bones

All dogs, especially small dogs, should not be exposed to raw or cooked bones. Rotisserie chicken bones are no exception. In theory, it may seem normal for your dog to chew on bones since animals in the wild contend with raw bones all the time, but bones can lead to serious injury. To prevent cuts in your dog’s mouth and throat, obstruction, choking, or difficulty breathing, the safe bet is to simply remove the bones before feeding your dog the rotisserie chicken. 

How Much Rotisserie Chicken Should My Dog Eat? 

We know that rotisserie chicken can be a great source of protein and vitamins added to your dog’s diet. But, we also know that too much of a good thing can be harmful. Rotisserie chicken is a great option to add to dry dog food or serve with a combination of rice and vegetables.

This should be reserved for special occasions such as a treat or in times of sickness, but should not be an everyday regular meal. To determine the proper amount of rotisserie chicken to feed your dog, it is best to consult with a trusted veterinarian. 

Happy Thanksgiving Day. Autumn feast. Animal allergy. Woman celebrating holiday cooking traditional dinner at kitchen with turkey, giving her dog a piece to try


Rotisserie chicken is a common staple in United States households. You can easily find it at any local grocery store or make your rotisserie chicken at home. It is made by rotating an entire chicken over a heat source. 

It is safe for dogs to consume rotisserie chicken as long as it is in moderation and prepared and introduced to their diet properly. Dogs have sensitive digestive systems that could be thrown off very easily. Chicken has several health benefits for a dog, including managing weight loss, strengthening the immune system, and promoting muscle growth and development. 

Potential risks of feeding your dog rotisserie chicken are linked to overconsumption or the chicken not being prepared properly. The most important rule to follow when feeding your dog rotisserie chicken is to ensure there is no rotisserie chicken skin, raw meat, or bones that your dog could consume. 

We hope you enjoyed this brief guide to “Can Dogs Eat Rotisserie Chicken?” Stay tuned for more helpful dog owner information! 


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